Pinsight®: assessment and development, all in one


Are you planning on transferring an employee to a commercial or managerial role, but having doubts about whether the person in question is actually right for the job? Pinsight® is an online assessment tool that allows you to measure, report and coach leadership or sales potential in an objective and strategic manner.


How does it work?

The exercises provide a realistic encounter in which the participant is immersed in a total lifelike simulation for three hours and experiences the different sides of a sales or management position. You don't have to wait long for the results, since the verdict can be delivered just 48 hours later.

Extra handy: the tool includes a development app that allows you to coach your employee in his or her new role. This coaching includes personal feedback and daily on-the-job exercises that are also time-efficient: five minutes a day is enough to make progress towards the desired behaviour.


  • 83% of participants rated Pinsight® more positively than other assessments
  • 91% of participants performed better afterwards compared to the six months before the assessment
  • 84% of participants find Pinsight® realistic and stimulating

Beneficial for you, because ...

  • ... it can be carried out in the place of your choice and in several languages.
  • ... it is objective and evidence-based.
  • ... it can be used for three levels of management and for sales.
  • ... it is supervised by certified senior assessors.
  • ... you will know the extent to which your leadership and sales talents are ready to achieve your strategic and commercial goals.
  • ... it is a powerful stand-alone tool that can also be part of a larger programme.
  • ... it is an enjoyable experience for participants.


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