Interested in a student job? What a great idea!

Jobs studenten

A double win for student jobs

So, you’re young and you need something. Maybe you want to earn some extra money to buy something nice, or maybe you want to save up for your future plans. And at the same time, you also want to gain tons of experience. If possible, you'd like something related to your studies, or in a sector that interests you. So how about a great student job in the catering or events sector?

With a student job, you can kill two birds with one stone. Smart! Because you'll not only get to fatten your wallet or your piggy bank; with a holiday job, you can discover your own talents and develop important skills. This way, you'll increase your opportunities and chances for a bright professional future. 

AT ITZU, we're happy to help you find the student job of a lifetime. Just drop into one of our offices. Discuss your wishes, dreams and talents with our team. That's the basis for finding a great holiday job that suits you down to the ground.

Ready to spread your wings? Get in touch and get started in student job in no time.

The first steps in the job market

At ITZU, we frowned recently when we read an article by the Social and Economic Council of Flanders (SERV): "Young people lack guidance when taking their first steps in the labour market." That's definitely not OK. Things need to change and improve. But the fact is, we're already doing this differently and better!

How? Find out in the blog below:


Frequently asked questions


What are the conditions required to do a student job?

There are three conditions to be able to do a student job through a student agreement:

  • you are at least 15 years old
  • you are at least in the third year of secondary school, and
  • you are studying the full curriculum

I am graduating this year. Can I still get a student job?

In principle, no. Once you graduate and no longer have any obligations to your school, you are no longer a student.

But, but, but... There is one exception. If you graduate in June, you can still work a student job during the summer holidays until 30 September.

Do I have to pay taxes if I do a student job?

Not unless you earn more than a certain amount. But this maximum amount isn't fixed and can change from year to year. Take a look here, where you will find the latest information.


Will my parents have to pay more taxes if I get a student job?

Again, this depends on how much you earn as a student worker. You'd have to earn quite a lot to be considered no longer dependent on your parents. The limit amounts change every year, so it's best to check them here.


How many hours can I work before I have to pay social security contributions?

Let's assume for a moment that you're working as a student worker with a student contract. Since 2023, you are allowed to work 600 hours a year before you and your employer have to pay social security contributions on your wage. It doesn't matter whether you work those hours during the summer holidays or during the school year.

Is there anywhere I can check how many hours I can still work as a student worker?

You can always go to to check exactly how many hours you have left.

Moreover, you can also print out a certificate showing your remaining hours. A potential employer may ask for this certificate to make sure you have not yet used up all your hours.

How much do you earn as a student worker? And what about overtime?

In principle, you are entitled to the same wage as regular employees in the company. This is the minimum wage set by the collective labour agreement of the sector the company belongs to.

If you do overtime, then you should be paid extra. In fact, overtime worked on Sundays and public holidays must be paid at double the rate.

Your wage should be clearly stated in the student agreement. Or at the very least, its calculation should be explained on paper. The agreement should also specify when you will be paid.

Team EAZER imec

Any further questions?

Please feel free to contact us. We will be glad to help you.

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